Quick start

Install deno runtime

The whole platform project is based on the Deno JavaScript runtime.

$ curl -fsSL https://deno.land/x/install/install.sh | sh

For other platforms please read here.

Setup database

Install EdgeDB CLI

We will need EdgeDB CLI companion for our tasks to work properly.
Please make sure the packages bash and curl are installed.

$ deno task db:cli:install

Create local development instance

Setup a local EdgeDB development instance and run the initial migration.

$ deno task db:setup

Start instance

Start the database instance. This will open your web browser and navigating to the local EdgeDB admin web interface.

$ deno task db:start

Standard user is edgedb. You can find the password in your console output or by running deno task db:creds

Start platform packages

You can run each platform package individually or run the whole ecosystem together in dev mode.

# Run specific package
$ deno task dev:{controller|node|relay}

# Run all packages
$ deno task dev