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class PlatformEnv



Setting the env_options, is_silent, and logger properties of the PlatformEnv class, and then it is loading the environment variables


delete(key: TPlatformEnvKvKey)

The function deletes a key from the environment and reloads the environment if the deletion is successful.

get(key: TPlatformEnvKvPair["key"]): string

The function retrieves the value of a specific key from the environment, or returns the entire environment if the key is undefined.

has(key: TPlatformEnvKvKey)

The function checks if a given key exists in the environment.

set(pairs: TPlatformEnvKvPair)

The function sets a key-value pair, logs the action, writes the pair to storage, and reloads the environment if the write operation is successful.

Static Properties

mode: TPlatformMode

It returns the value of the PLATFORM_MODE environment variable, or dev if the variable is not set

version: string

It reads the VERSION file in the platform directory and returns its contents. If the file doesn't exist, it returns the value of the PLATFORM_MODE environment variable. If that doesn't exist, it returns "0.1#na"



Setting the env_options, is_silent, and logger properties of the PlatformEnv class, and then it is loading the environment variables


delete(key: TPlatformEnvKvKey)

The function deletes a key from the environment and reloads the environment if the deletion is successful.

get(key: TPlatformEnvKvPair["key"]): string

The function retrieves the value of a specific key from the environment, or returns the entire environment if the key is undefined.

has(key: TPlatformEnvKvKey)

The function checks if a given key exists in the environment.

set(pairs: TPlatformEnvKvPair)

The function sets a key-value pair, logs the action, writes the pair to storage, and reloads the environment if the write operation is successful.

Static Properties

mode: TPlatformMode

It returns the value of the PLATFORM_MODE environment variable, or dev if the variable is not set

version: string

It reads the VERSION file in the platform directory and returns its contents. If the file doesn't exist, it returns the value of the PLATFORM_MODE environment variable. If that doesn't exist, it returns "0.1#na"