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function compactDecrypt

Decrypts a Compact JWE.


jwe: string | Uint8Array

Compact JWE.

key: KeyLike | Uint8Array

Private Key or Secret to decrypt the JWE with. See Algorithm Key Requirements | https://github.com/panva/jose/issues/210#jwe-alg.

options: DecryptOptions

JWE Decryption options.

Type Parameters

KeyLikeType extends KeyLike = KeyLike


jwe: string | Uint8Array

Compact JWE.

getKey: CompactDecryptGetKey

Function resolving Private Key or Secret to decrypt the JWE with. See Algorithm Key Requirements | https://github.com/panva/jose/issues/210#jwe-alg.

options: DecryptOptions

JWE Decryption options.